One in Eight
According to the National Institutes of Health, one out of eight women (12.5 percent) will be diagnosed with breast cancer at some point in their lives. Lydia Samaniego Evans, 45, was diagnosed in early March 2010, plunging her and her family into a world of doctors visits, medical reports, surgeries, drugs, physical discomfort and general uncertainty for which, like most, they were not prepared. The extent to which their lives have been turned upside down and, in many respects, irrevocably altered, belies the prevalence of breast cancer. Their story shows that to fight this common disease requires an uncommon courage.
- Lydia, before the mastectomy.
- Lydia is comforted by her husband Terry while waiting for the results of an ultrasound, 2010.
- Post-mastectomy implant, Sacramento CA. 2010